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English Standard Version

I ran across John Piper's thoughts on the English Standard Version. In my experience, I agree with him that the ESV flows a bit better than the NASB, but I haven't used the NIV enough to fairly compare the two.


I wonder what Piper (or anyone, for that matter) would think of the Holman Christian Standard Bible. It's one I've sort of been eyeing for a while, but I haven't heard anything substantive enough to invest in one.

I do know, however, that I really like the way they translate Philippians 2:12-13, because the HCSB really gets at what the text is trying to say better than most other translations (including ESV and NASB). See the difference:


My brother didn't think the HCSB sounded like flowing English. I thought it was fine. I haven't seen the Old Testament yet, but I've read the whole New Testament in it. I do prefer the ESV, though. It's from a much wider spectrum of scholars with a least a notch better academic credentials, on the whole.

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