Another reason to praise the Lord
From an article in this week's US News and World Report:
Every passing week brings news for latte lovers, and the latest on coffee is the best buzz yet. It turns out that a cup of joe--or a carafe--may chase away the blues; turn you into a better athlete; and protect against diabetes, Parkinson's disease, gallstones, and some cancers...."If its benefits continue to mount, coffee may come to be viewed as a health food," says Lona Sandon, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association.Amen to that.
Labels: Fun
I'll stick with my equally antioxidant-rich tea.
Posted by
andrew |
12:15 PM
From the article:
"Nutrition experts like Willett point out that, like tea, coffee is rich in antioxidants--substances in vegetables and fruits that deactivate disease-causing byproducts of the body's metabolism. 'Coffee is by far the largest source of antioxidants in our diet,' says Joe Vinson, a chemistry professor at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania. That's not just because we drink so much. In tests conducted at Vinson's lab, coffee topped the list of foods that are densest in antioxidants, surpassing blueberries, broccoli, and most other produce. Only chocolate, dried fruits, and dried beans ranked higher."
Drink that, tea-boy.
Posted by
Jacob |
1:47 PM
You guys stick with your beverages.
I'll keep eating chocolate.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:14 PM
I have a healthy intake of chocolate in addition to my tea, so I can do without the opiate of the American masses.
"Make tea not war."
Posted by
andrew |
2:30 PM
That's where cafe mochas come in!
Also, I maintain that there is no greater food-beverage combination than coffee with dark chocolate.
(Pardon me while I wipe drool off my computer now.)
Posted by
Jacob |
2:31 PM
It makes me happy that I know people who say things to each other like: "Drink that, tea-boy."
Posted by
Anne |
4:10 PM
Put that in your cup and steep it!
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:23 PM
I will dutifully avoid telling you the brand of coffee I brew in the mornings, then.
Posted by
Jacob |
11:38 AM
Just keep selling your soul to corporate America, Starby boy!
Posted by
andrew |
11:43 AM
"Starby boy"? I have to be "Starby boy"?
Why not, "Starbuckaroo," or "Starbuck-buck" (a reference to a Bill Cosby sketch), or even "Starbuckbeak" (a reference to Harry Potter)?
Starby boy indeed...
Posted by
Jacob |
11:52 AM
Why ARE you drinking Starbucks in the convenience of your own home? I enjoy Starbucks myself (probably because I have no principles, seeing as I also shop at Wal-Mart, Target, Barnes and Noble, etc.) but why BUY the beans when you have The Roaster? I'm a social drinker, but the Ethiopian coffee from The Roaster makes Starbucks look like Folgers. I'll have some on Saturday to prove my point.
Posted by
Lindsey |
12:00 PM
At least it's better than "Starby boy"...
You are probably right--I shouldn't buy non-fair-trade coffee. I didn't think about it, though, when I was at the grocery store and was out of coffee for the next day. Sorry. At that point, my coffee dependency outweighs moral concerns. I will plan better next time, though.
Is there a better place in town/brand I could buy from?
Posted by
Jacob |
12:00 PM
Did I mention KAREN works there? Support your friends!
Posted by
Lindsey |
12:01 PM
The Roaster, the Roaster, the Roaster...I know, I know...I suck at life, especially when it comes to coffee...
It's just tough for me to justify a thirty-minute drive (each way) to buy a half-pound of coffee. What with gas prices the way they are and everything...
Does anyone else want to brow-beat me for my coffee choices????
Posted by
Jacob |
12:02 PM
Where's The Roaster located? I need to get some for a Christmas present. (Mom, if you happen to read this, just act surprised for me.) Starby boy can come with me.
The Adventures of English Breakfast Man and Starby Boy!
(True tangential story: The tea Bethany and I had at the Mill last night tasted like pasta. No joke. Like drinking left over pasta-boiled water. And it was the same English Breakfast that we normally get. "Wha happened?!")
Posted by
andrew |
12:07 PM
Well look at it this way Jacob: The Roaster is right down the street from my house. So if you need coffee and I'm coming over to your house, I will buy it for you, and you can pay me back plus 10 cents for shipping and handling, thus saving yourself the trip. However, this offer expires on January 9th.
Posted by
Lindsey |
10:38 PM